Dana White makes no excuses; the question is, will there be accountability?

 Dana White makes no excuses; the question is, will there be accountability?

On New Year's Eve, a video of UFC President Dana White and his wife having a physical altercation at a nightclub in Mexico went viral. In the video, Dana White seemed to say something as he leaned over to Anne White. She reacted to whatever was said and slapped her husband, who did not hesitate by slapping her right back, and the two were then separated. TMZ first broke the story interviewing Anne White, where she came to her husband's defense.

“Dana and I have been married for almost 30 years. To say this is out of character for him is an understatement -- nothing like this has ever happened before. Unfortunately, we were both drinking too much on New Year’s Eve and things got out of control, on both sides. We’ve talked this through as a family and apologized to each other. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our kids." said White.

Dana White also spoke to TMZ and admitted “I don't know why it happened”.

“People are going to have opinions on this, and most of the people's opinions would be right, especially in my case. You don't put your hands on a woman, ever. ... I don't know why it happened." said the UFC President.

In his latest appearance in front of the press and ESPN, White said that there is no defense for what he did and even said that there should be no one defending him for his actions. In the same breath, White admitted that he did not intend to suffer any repercussions and asked reporters what they thought the viable suspension or punishment would be.

“You tell me. Do I take thirty days off? How does that hurt me?.. Me leaving the company hurts the company.. It hurts my employees.. the fighters..It does not hurt me.” White told reporters.

While no charges have been filed and this story will most likely be swept under the rug, acts of domestic violence are all too familiar in the UFC. Dana White joins the likes of Chuck Liddell, Luis Peña, Jon Jones, Mike Perry, Thiago Silva and even former NFL player Greg Hardy (who’s charges were only dropped because the victim failed to show) in domestic abusers affiliated with the promotion.

While the couple have said this occurrence was a one time thing, it begs the question, if this happened in public; what happens in their private life? With the UFC President, Dana White holding all of the cards in this situation we know one thing: There will be no accountability.

Written by: Isaac Gomez

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