Bonds and Clemens Snubbed of HOF

 Bonds and Clemens Snubbed of HOF 

The MLB has struck out with many fans, organizations, journalists, players, and their families
due to the recent news of David Ortiz, otherwise known as, Big Papi, being inducted into the
Hall of Fame over Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. Why didn’t they induct Bonds and
Clemens? PED’s? If that were the reason, then why was Ortiz inducted, because he also took
PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) such as steroids. Barry received 66% of the votes and
Roger Clemens received 65%, they needed 75% to get in. Many players like Alex Rodriguez,
Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire have all taken steroids or a performance enhancer
and none of them are in the HOF, but David Ortiz gets in on his first try. It seems like the HOF is
a popularity contest, many former players that have met Barry Bonds have said that he is not a
nice guy but shouldn’t matter with what he has accomplished on the field is incredible.
According to BALCO and MLB testing records, Bonds used steroids from 2001-2006 and these
are some of his accomplishments before 1999, 8 Golden Gloves, 7 Silver Sluggers and 3 MVP
awards. If Barry were to hypothetically retire in 1999, wouldn’t that be enough for a Hall of
Fame induction. It’s starting to look like if you are not a likeable person regardless of what
you’ve accomplishment in your career you will not make it into the HOF. Major League
Baseball banned steroids in 1991 but didn’t test players until 2003. This shows that the MLB
didn’t care about the steroid usage but when it comes to the HOF it matters. The HOF is so full
of hypocrisy, they should be thanking players like Bonds, Clemens for saving the game. The
MLB was losing money, popularity, and fans because the NFL and the NBA were gaining an
insane amount of viewership and if it wasn’t for Bonds breaking Mark McGwire’s homerun
record with 73 homers, who knows where baseball would be now. 

Written by- Giancarlo Morera

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